DOXXbet, s. r. o.
DOXXbet is a Slovak betting office. It focuses on betting and gaming innovations. It operates in 4 basic areas - in online betting, betting on the most modern betting terminals, online casinos, operates gaming rooms. It is the market leader in betting terminals. More about the company at

DOXXbet is part of the FSM GROUP, was founded in 2002. It consist of several companies such as DOXX brands - Food stamps, fpoho, 24pay, Hotel Dubná Skala****, codium, Super Jedlo, DOXX Foundation and others. These brands form a dynamic and modern grouping, using the latest technologies. Our brands are known and popular throughout Slovakia.

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Company contact

Kálov 356, 010 01 Žilina
DOXXbet, s. r. o.
Kálov 356, 010 01 Žilina